Need an answer?
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you will find frequently asked questions and their answers. If
you don't find the answer you need, please contact us at 1-800-391-8144,
Fax: 407-565-5326, or email us at
Why do I
need to give so much personal information? Will everyone have access to my
personal information?
What if I forget to tell you
about something on my driving record?
Why must I
list all household members, when they do not drive my car?
Who are considered to be a family member?
What is your definition of an accident?
Our Privacy Policy
Why do I need
to give so much personal information?
Will everyone have access to
my personal information?
We only collect information necessary to
provide accurate insurance quotes when requested. Access to your information
is limited to people involved in processing this information for sales,
customer service or claims service. It is not our practice to request
personal information solely for marketing purposes. Please see our
"Privacy Policy" for more detailed information.
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if I forget to tell you about something on my driving record?
quote provided is based on the information listed on the questionnaire. If a
policy is purchased, driving and claims records are verified through
consumer reports. At this time any forgotten information would be added and
the insurance premium adjusted to reflect the confirmed driving record.
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Why must I list all household members, when they do not
drive my car?
For coverage purposes, all family members of driving
age, who are residents of the household, must be listed to protect both you
and us. In some states, exclusions are available for family household
residents who do not require coverage.
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Who are considered
to be a family member?
Any immediate or extended family member of
driving age is considered a family member. This Includes parents, children,
siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, foster children, in-laws &
step family members.
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What is your definition of an accident?
Accidents include at fault, not at fault, reported and unreported collisions
that you as the driver were involved in. Not at fault occurrences where your
parked vehicle was damaged in a collision are also considered accidents.
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Our Privacy Policy
protection and confidentiality of your personal information is a top
priority to us. Any unique personal information given on this website,
including your date of birth, name, street address, phone number, drivers
license number, social security number, policy number, vehicle
identification number is used solely for the procurement of insurance
quotations at your request. Further, all data submitted is forwarded
directly to insurance companies quoting the specific type of insurance you
have requested quotes on and is not handled, sorted, or otherwise
disseminated by any third parties in transit. Unless you expressly give us
permission to do so, or unless required by law, Fernet does not willfully
disclose your unique personal information other than for the sole purpose
stated above.
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